Journaling for the Soul: Welcome!

My goal is to help you develop greater self-expression and uncover your unique voice through the practice of journaling.

Each lesson will guide you through small but powerful journeys into yourself – your inner wisdom – to reveal a fuller, richer understanding of yourself.

As you work through the lessons, you’ll notice your awareness of life unfolding in new and interesting ways.

This is your adventure and you never know what you’ll find!

You might unearth strengths you didn’t know you had, find lost parts of yourself that you’d like to bring back to life, or discover new passions and interests.

Don’t be surprised if what you uncover makes you want to take action and change things about yourself and your life.

That’s what all this is for.

So, just go with it. Because if you don’t like it, you can always change it back later!

You’ll need a few things to prepare for the journey ahead.

First, decide what your journaling medium is going to be.

I prefer a good-looking notebook and a fountain pen. Bit old fashioned, I know, but once I got a fountain pen, nothing else could compare.

The nibs shape themselves after how you write and so they feel like old friends when you pick them up – they know how you like to write and help the thoughts flow from your mind to the paper more seamlessly.

To find your preference, you’ll just have to try different mediums.

I’ve got some really amazing notebooks that are perfect for journaling in my shop.

There are many benefits to using pen and paper, increased focus, more creativity and clearer thinking are just a few.

But if that feels overwhelming, go with whatever feels easiest.

The most important thing is that you write, not what you write with.

Second, you’ll want to think about when’s a good time for you to journal. Give yourself a time and space where you can really dive into each prompt.

Constant interruptions will only make you annoyed and prevent you from really accessing your unconscious thoughts and beliefs.

So, find a time and a place that allows you to focus without interruptions.

Some days, the words will pour out of you in mere minutes. Other days, you’ll want to dedicate more time to exploring a topic.

Both are right because there’s no wrong way to journal.

Don’t set too many expectations on your journaling and just practice making space for and sitting with whatever arises in you.

Answering a prompt is like opening a gate and you may find that the thoughts and feelings will linger with you and bubble up at a later time.

Third, when you feel inspired, take notes.

When you journal, you’ll soon notice your mind picking up speed.

I always say that if you’re trying to use your mind as a storage device, you’re wasting your potential.

Your mind is first and foremost a thinking tool.

Trying to make it remember all the things you need to remember in a day is just paralysing your ability to think.

When you put down all your stray thoughts on paper, you’re freeing up your mind to do what it does best.

It’ll start thinking more clearly and connecting things more deeply.

By jotting down ideas and things you want to remember, you’ll have a list to refer to.

This is especially handy when you hit a day where you don’t know what to journal about.

Keep adding to your list; you can write ideas you’d like to explore, books you’d like to read or quotes you want to remember.

Last, but not least, I’d like to thank you for deciding to come on this journey.

And for trusting me to encourage and guide you through this illuminating process.

At the bottom of each page, you’ll find your prompt.

Happy writing! 🎉

All the love, all the power,


What made you sign up for this course?

What are you hoping to achieve by the end of the 30 lessons? What is your intention?

Allow your thoughts to unravel. There is no right or wrong answer you need to arrive at. I simply want you to explore your motivation for taking this course.

What need are you filling? What is your soul calling for?

When you come to a natural close in your writing, stop there and simply note how you feel after having journaled. Don’t try to change how you feel, just observe.

Then put your things away and end your session.