Journaling for the Soul: Your soul self

Ah-ha! Finally, we’re getting to the heart of it!

For twenty lessons, I’ve been leading you along on a course called Journaling for the Soul without actually talking about soul.

But, as you’ve noticed, there’s a lot that goes into it and we can’t skip ahead if we’re going to do this with heart (which is the only way to do it!).

So, your shadow self, that we talked about yesterday, is often centred around your fear and ego.

Your soul self is your earnest self.

Deep down, you are so much more than your name, your job, or the sum of your relationships.

You are light. You are love.

While your shadow self often feels discordant and out-of-tune with the world, your soul self is you when you’re tapped into the state of flow.

When you transcend anything physical and any personality traits and things feel right and effortless.

There are active ways to be in touch with your soul self.

Escaping into nature, walking or hiking, getting a massage, going for a ride, meditating, praying, creating, journaling – anything where you can relax, put the analytical side of yourself on pause and just be.

Even a simple shower can help you switch off the ego and open your mind.

Your soul self is the one who dreams and has the courage to say ‘yes’ to things that are exciting and scary in equal measure.

She’s the one whispering in your ear, “You keep me wild and I’ll keep you free.”

Today, I want you to trust the process and just write.

Even if you don’t know what to write, trust that the right words will come if you just keep writing whatever comes to mind.

Zoning in on what you really want and who you really are can be difficult sometimes.

We’re so used to putting on our social masks.

But even when you do that, you shouldn’t confuse that for your soul self.

Thinking about what you truly want is often hidden behind layers of social conditioning and expectations (real and perceived).

And letting your mind free in a completely open space can have a paralysing effect.

Creativity flourishes when you impose some boundaries on it, so if you feel like you’re completely out at sea, try starting by just getting in the broad strokes of what you want, what defines you and how you feel.

Later is plenty of time to start adding details.

If it helps, take a few moments to close your eyes and breathe while you focus on the question before you begin to write.

When your mind decides to take you on a long and winding side trip before you get to the heart of it, just enjoy the journey.


Who are you at a soul level?

  • And how does that feel?
  • Who are you underneath it all?
  • What did you come into this life to do?
  • What things bring you joy, pleasure and meaning?