
How to prepare for birth as a new father-to-be

How to prepare for birth as a new father-to-be

If you’re feeling scared or nervous about becoming a father, remember this: fathering is not something perfect men do, but something that perfects the man. As the father you are an essential part of the birth of your child. But men can easily end up feeling like spare parts when their own children are being born. Labouring women aren’t the only ones who go through a deep transformation. You are also going through powerful inner changes in preparation for the […]

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Feeling nervous about becoming a father? Read this guide to find out everything you need to know about the birth & the baby

How to prepare for becoming a father

Congratulations! You’re going to be a father. The amazing thing about becoming a father is that you will never again be your own first priority. Having children changes you in profound and unexpected ways. Yes, it’s a daunting task to take on, but well worth it. A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten and the future worth living for. You’ll hold their little hands for a while, but you’ll […]

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Unslept nights, teething fevers and crushing loneliness. I didn’t know being a stay-at-home mom could be so exhausting until I did it myself

How exhausting it can be to be a stay-at-hoome mom

Parenting is hard. Especially, when you’re trying to be patient with a little impatient versions of yourself. Parenting is the easiest thing in the world to have an opinion about, but the hardest thing in the world to do. If parenting came with a GPS it would just mostly say “recalculating”. It often feels like 90% of parenting consists of thinking about when you can lie down again. It’s a constant battle between going to bed early to catch up […]

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Ace being a dad with these cooler-than-cool dad hacks

Dad hacks for beginners

Feeling nervous about becoming a father? Wondering how you’re going to take care of a whole other person, guide them through life and not mess them up too badly? You’re not alone in this. But fret not; kids are made out of rubber and magic and bounce back from pretty much anything. Your kids will smile because you’re their father. And they will laugh because there is nothing you can do about it. Get ready for your new top 10 […]

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15 things first-time fathers wished they’d known before the birth

What first time dads wished they'd known before the birth

How the birth of your child is going to go, is impossible to predict. It all happens differently, and everybody has their own story. In the movies and on TV, birth is usually depicted as a really quick thing. The mother gets cramps and whoosh! She’s holding the baby in her arms before she even made it out the door. Let alone the hospital. But a real first-time birth can take a while. And it can even get a little […]

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What’s the smarter way to deal with a crying child?

How to deal with a temper tantrum the smart way

Parenting is a lot like the bar scene; everyone’s yelling, everything is sticky, the same music plays over and over again and once in a while somebody pukes. There’s also a lot more yelling at people from the bathroom than I ever imagined. Parenting was a lot easier when I was raising my non-existent kids hypothetically. Back then I didn’t know that I could ruin someone’s day by asking them to put pants on. The standard toddler to-do list goes […]

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Worried about how your kids are gonna deal with life? Bully-proofing your kids is simpler than you think

Advice for parents that are empaths or have emapth children

Dr. Seuss said, “Be yourself because the people who mind don’t matter. And the people that matter don’t mind”. With anxiety and depression rates in young people growing at the same rate as smartphone adoption, it’s more important than ever to raise strong, self-aware children who can not only survive meeting a bully but thrive in a world full of them. By extension, raising bully-proof kids, is also raising kids who don’t bully. Compassion and empathy is the only way […]

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Want to deal with less hissy fits? Coach your child through the strong emotions with these tips

How to have less hissy fits with your kids

Children need love – especially when they seem to deserve it the least. And that’s when it can be so incredibly hard to find a compassionate response. Dealing with a developing brain and a human being learning how to hooman gets overwhelming at times. And arguing with a miniature version of myself, with the same shit-ass attitude, can get really frustrating. When I say “Get dressed”, I don’t mean stand around watching TV with one sock on. Some days my […]

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22 universal truths I’ve learned about parenting a toddler (in memes)

So, you’ve survived the baby-phase and now find yourself with a toddler. Congrats! You’ve made it this far. You’ll quickly get the hang of keeping up with your toddler — until they learn a new skill and you can add another thing to your list of worries. But don’t worry, you’re not alone! “A two-year old is kind of like having a blender, but you don’t have a top for it.”— Jerry Seinfeld Your mornings used to be normal. After […]

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How to know if your parent is a narcissist

How to know if your parent is a narcissist

Whenever I start talking about narcissism and being raised by a narcissist, I’m always overwhelmed by the response. It’s clear that not just one or two of us have been raised by at least one narcissistic parent. Having a narcissist for a parent wreaks havoc on your self-esteem, feelings of well-being and safety, courage and confidence for years. Your relationship with your parents is a very intimate one because you wholly depend on them at a young age to teach […]

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Why do all children deserve to have good self-esteem? Set your kid up for success in life with this advice

Every child deserves to have good self-esteem

Behind every child who believes in themselves is a parent who believed in them first. Strong self-esteem is the best defence your children can have against life’s challenges. But it isn’t passed on, like a family heirloom, and cannot simply be given. You need to teach your kids how to build it in themselves. It is far easier to build up the self-esteem of a child than it is to repair it in an adult. Having low self-esteem is like […]

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