Ahhh, the taste of getting stuff for free.

Key ingredient? Useful, purposeful design.

The kind that makes your life better.

And I’m here to help you clear out the clutter and make the most of your best thinking tool – your brain.

A lot of people mistake their brain for a storage tool and use it for remembering things. But that’s not what your brain is good at.

Yes, it can remember things, but what it’s really designed for is creativity.

Thinking of new solutions to old problems. Finding alternate perspectives. Getting out of a pinch and figuring out how to do things more effectively.

Trying to use it as a storage device only slows it down, like trying to run a marathon with your legs tied in a sack. It takes your brain a lot of time and energy to sort through all the information it gathers throughout the day because it’s constantly gathering information. Even when you’re not watching.

The best thing you can do is to help it unload.

Sort through the stuff so your brain doesn’t have to. How do you do that? By making the best use of the freebies I’ve made for you!

Free journal printables for productivity.

With these printables, you can do everything from getting organised with a priority to-do list, plan out your week (or week and weekend separately) as well as make sure you leave work at work with the Closing My Day exercise.

These are the things to help you organise your thinking and make the most of your life.

Because clutter is not just the stuff on your floor – it’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living!

Click the images below to open the PDF file for downloading and printing.

Free journaling wish lists for getting organised.

These wish and shopping lists are perfect for brainstorming as well as organising what you want to get – with a slot for both prices and checking the items off once you’ve bought them.

Click the images below to open the PDF file for downloading and printing.

Don’t forget to also check out these free mood trackers.

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