Oh yeah, you’ve made it to the home stretch!
Just a few more days and you’ll have the completed the Money Mindset Workshop and have a tool belt full of stellar tools to craft your financial success with.
Today, I want to talk more about how you can anchor yourself in the positive.
Because being positive 100% all the time is exhausting and impossible to do.
Not to mention, it’s counterproductive.
You need to be able to experience the full spectrum of being human if you’re gonna make the most of life.
And when you’re staring down the barrel of those goals that make you as terrified as they make you excited, it isn’t enough to get excited for just a few minutes.
Even just a few days or a few weeks isn’t enough.
I know that, in the moment, it’s easy to feel good about it, it feels like you’ve found some magic pixie dust and can do anything.
The real challenge is in making optimism your lifestyle.
When you manage to create that flow that constantly pours optimism and determination into you, you’ll start seeing the synchronicities.
That’s when things will start to seem almost magical. They’ll feel easy and fun – and that’s how you’ll know that you’re in the flow.
Especially when there’s a lag between setting your goal and achieving it – and there always is, because very rarely are things instantaneous – or when you’re working on those big, long-term goals, you need a way to keep your spirits up.
Because the more time you spend in this optimistic, yes-it’s-fudging-happening-mindset, the more likely you are to reach your goal.
And positive anchors will make it easy and automatic.
Because they’ll be there to remind you of your goal, keep you focused and allow you to continuously set your intention – without even really thinking about it.
When you feel good about your goal, you’re going to start to act in very subtle ways.
Let’s say you want a raise. You’re going to exhaust and overwhelm yourself if you’re writing down “I’ve got that raise. I’ve got that raise. I’ve got that raise” a million times a day just to keep yourself focused.
That’s asking for a migraine.
Instead, you want to embrace making it automatic for you to just think about it constantly – but without that cognitive load.
Make it as easy as walking or breathing.
And by sprinkling all these little reminders throughout your day, it’ll be that much easier to get back into that optimal zone as quickly as possible.
If you change your phone and computer passwords to your target income, such as OneMillionAYear, you’ll be typing that out an easy 50 times a day without breaking a sweat.
And you’ll be training your brain to see the positive.
It makes a huge difference in your daily life when you don’t constantly have to use your limited cognitive energy to think about it.
It’s so much easier to just let your brain take it in on autopilot, and allow it to make those sweet, sweet cognitive shortcuts that make life so much easier.
And make sure that you update your password regularly.
No point in keeping old, already achieved goals hanging around.
Typing that password in should always make you excited. Every time you type it, you should go, “Oh, yay! This is exciting!”
For example, if you’re gearing up to buying your dream house with your partner, you can change their name in your phone to “Alex, dream house co-owner” so that whenever you see a call or message from them, you get that little thrill.
Any little thing can be enough to send you right back into that optimistic place where you’re convinced you’re going to achieve your goal.
And remember this: words have power. So, curate yours carefully.
Clean out words like “can’t” and “impossible” from your vocabulary. Replace them with positive words.
99% of the time when you say you can’t do something, it’s actually a euphemism for won’t.
And what does “won’t” mean?
It means you don’t really want to, it isn’t enough of a priority and you don’t want to go through the discomfort or take the risk to get it done.
Whenever you say things like, “I can’t make that kind of money – it’s just not possible,” you’re limiting yourself without even realising it.
By replacing CAN’T with WON’T you’re being so much more honest.
You’ll realise that you really don’t want to do it, and facing that fact doesn’t make you lazy or bad or unambitious.
It makes you honest.
Because replacing “can’t” with “won’t” puts you back in a position of power, so you’re no longer a victim of your circumstances.
And from that place, you can take full responsibility for how you’re spending your most precious resources of time and effort and attention.
By removing those excuses, you empower yourself to make new choices.
You’ll start going, “Hmm, how am I spending my time from moment to moment? Is this really aligned with where I said I wanted to go? And if not, what changes am I willing to make to readjust – even if they make me uncomfortable or force me to break old patterns?”
And yes, this can lead to difficult conversations, letting go of some responsibilities, resetting boundaries and saying ‘no’ to things that aren’t aligned with your journey.
When you really want to create a life you love, that’s the price of admission.
Write a list of 30 things you can do to motivate yourself throughout the day and stay focused on your goal.
Create a dream board? Change your passwords? What affirmations will help you? Take 2 min visualisation breaks throughout the day? Choose your favourite and implement it asap!
Write a list of 5 things you (think) can’t do. Replace “can’t” with “won’t” and see how you feel about them.