Money Mindset Workshop: What kind of friend are you?

Odds are, you’ve got some bad money habits.

Either ones you’ve had in the past, or ones you’ve got now. But you have to deal with them now so they don’t weigh you down from now on.

Some of the more obvious bad habits around money include things like spending more money than you make, relying on credit to pay the bills, not setting money aside for an emergency, and not saving for the future.

The less obvious ones are hoarding money to the point where you strangle the joy out of life, not taking control of your career (even when you love your job), blaming others for your circumstances, and being hooked on takeaway iced mochas that you really can’t afford.

If money was your friend, what kind of friend have you been?

Have you been caring and attentive? Or has the mere thought of this friend made you irritated and annoyed so you try to ghost them until you can’t avoid seeing them anymore?

Or do you have a big spending-party without limits when she shows up and then live on cup-o-noodles for the rest of the month, all the while cursing your friend for not staying longer?

Maybe you’ve even been a judg-y friend and told that b*tch that she’s not ‘real’.

Because we compartmentalise money, and say, “Well, this isn’t real money” when we look at what we have, and “Now that’s real money” when we look at what someone else has.

We always say small money isn’t real money. Or if money comes easy, it isn’t real money.

Like finding a penny on the street. When you don’t shed blood, sweat and tears for it, it’s not ‘real’ money. Crickey, some people still think PayPal or Bitcoin don’t count as real money!

So, how do you make your money real?

You write it down. Put it on a piece of paper or in an excel sheet. Make it visible.

Every time you receive money, write it down – whether you find a penny on the street, make bank on your birthday or get your salary.

Here’s what it’ll do for you: it’ll give you a real picture of how much money you’re capable of receiving.

Tracking your money is important from a psychological perspective.

When you do it, you might realise that you’re actually a lot more abundant than you thought you were. Tracking your money will show you where on the road to hitting your financial goals you are.

How would you know if you’ve made progress if you don’t keep track of it?

You need to stop being the friend that ignores money and treats it badly.

You have to stop going, “Well, you’re gross and dirty and you don’t matter”.

Because why should your friend come to visit you more often if you don’t want her around?

How are you even capable of receiving more money into your life when you treat what you’ve got badly.

How have you handled your money over the years?

And is how you’ve handled money in the past suitable for a life of abundance?


Use these writing prompts and write out the answers:

In the past, I have been _______ with my money. Being this way has made me feel…

What can I do to create a more positive relationship with money?