Bullying is often thought of as a behaviour that only occurs in childhood or adolescence. But adult bullies are also a reality that many people face. Adult bullying takes many forms and can have a …
mental health
12 simple steps to take you from trauma dumping to emotional sharing
Going from trauma dumping to healthy emotional sharing is a crucial step towards building more supportive and balanced relationships. Trauma dumping can be overwhelming for both the person sharing and the listener, and it may …
Is it absurd to smile when you don’t feel like it?
A smiling face is truly a beautiful face and a simple smile is the door to opening your heart to compassion. Everyone recognises and understands a smile because a smile is the universal language of …
Did you realise that your smartphone is exploiting your brain’s natural chemistry for profit and gradually changing how you behave?
Smartphones have taken over our lives. Like so many Lemmings, they’ve crowded into every nook and cranny of our lives. And now we can’t go anywhere without them – even to bed. Studies and surveys …
10 things you can learn from highly resilient people
It’s natural to resist change, especially when it comes in the form of challenges and adversity. Who wants to climb the mountain when you can take the ski-lift and enjoy the view on a leisurely …
7 great reasons to use a notebook for better mental health
If you have thoughts, you’re a thinker. Every human being engages their mind all day, every day. And the mind can be exercised and optimised, just like the body, with a few simple tools. Your …
25 journal prompts to help you start your shadow work journey
So, why is it beneficial to work on shadow elements of yourself? It all comes down to self-knowledge and self-awareness. Being aware of your shadow self means you make better choices in life and identify …
Discovering your dream life: how to figure out what you really want
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live your happiest life? To wake up every day and be truly content with your surroundings, relationships, and daily activities? While it may seem like …
A gentle journaling exercise to help you find your way to forgiveness when you’re highly sensitive
Whether by the words or actions of someone else, we’ve all been hurt at some point. And probably (let’s face it: most likely) will be again. Maybe you have a parent who’s overly critical of …
Worried about how your kids are gonna deal with life? Bully-proofing your kids is simpler than you think
Dr. Seuss said, “Be yourself because the people who mind don’t matter. And the people that matter don’t mind”. With anxiety and depression rates in young people growing at the same rate as smartphone adoption, …