Saving money is one of the most important financial habits that can help me achieve my financial goals. However, I know that saving money can be challenging, especially without a plan or a system in …

The lingering wounds of adult bullying: how emotional scars run deep
Bullying is often thought of as a behaviour that only occurs in childhood or adolescence. But adult bullies are also a reality that many people face. Adult bullying takes many forms and can have a …

Old Hollywood Starlets: 14 portraits in acrylic of striking actresses that are to die for
Painting people can be a massive pain in the ass. I mean, you just get one thing a bit off and it looks like a completely different person. I decided, once and for all, that …

The healing power of mermaid tears: how silversmith Amber Veyser Kitzler found her marbles on the beach
I think if we lived on the same island, we’d be besties. When you scroll through Amber’s Instagram page, it’s just such a fun, jaunty place that it makes you want to jump on a …

Alexandra Gustafsson on how empathy and creativity are at the heart of being an actor
I caught up with actress Alexandra Gustafsson to chat about creativity and empathy from the perspective of a stage performer. Alexandra is currently studying for her Master of Arts in Theatre and Drama. Her journey …

When God created woman he was working late on the 6th day
This is an adaptation of ‘When God Created Mothers’ by Erma Bombeck that I saw somewhere years ago. When God created woman he was working late on the 6th day. An angel came by and …