Money Journaling

How I got financial peace of mind by using a savings tracker (free downloads)

Saving money is one of the most important financial habits that can help me achieve my financial goals. However, I know that saving money can be challenging, especially without a plan or a system in place.

One of the most effective ways I’ve found to save money is by using a savings tracker. This tool helps me keep track of my savings goals, progress, and achievements.

One of the biggest benefits I’ve noticed from using a savings tracker is how much it helps me stay motivated. When I can see my progress and achievements, it’s easier for me to stay on track and continue saving money. The tracker allows me to visualize my savings goals and see how far I’ve come. Even if my progress is small, it’s incredibly motivating to see that I’m moving closer to my goals.

Tracking my savings also provides a concrete picture of where I stand financially. I can see how much money I’ve saved, when and how I’m dipping into my savings, and where I can cut back on expenses to avoid undoing my hard work. This information is incredibly useful when it comes to making financial decisions.

Additionally, the tracker helps me set realistic goals. With a clear idea of how much I can afford to save each month, I can set goals that are achievable. This has helped me avoid the frustration and disappointment that comes from setting unrealistic goals.

Using a savings tracker has also encouraged me to develop better spending habits. Being aware of my finances and savings goals makes me think twice before making unnecessary purchases. The tracker helps me identify areas where I can cut back on expenses and make better spending choices. Keeping an eye on my savings motivates me to protect what I’ve accumulated because it constantly reminds me to think about the future. Better spending habits have included paying off debts, building an emergency fund, and investing in my future.

If you, like me, are serious about saving money and achieving your financial goals, consider using a savings tracker to help you stay on track.

Grab a free printable savings tracker to get started.

Click either image to download. Print or use on your tablet.

And once you’ve gotten started with a savings tracker, consider taking my free journaling course The Money Mindset workshop to completely revamp how you think about money!

Redefine how you value yourself.

When you want to do the deep inner work to increase your earning potential and break through your income plateau, take The Money Mindset Workshop.

It’s a course with real talk about money, that includes exercises and journaling prompts to help you completely transform how you think and feel, not just about money, but how you measure your own worth.

Click to read more (it’s FREE!)