Confused by all the abbreviations in knitting patterns? Yep, me too! Here’s a handy list to help you navigate your patterns!
Abbreviation | Explanation |
alt | alternatively |
approx. | approximately |
beg | beginning |
bet | between |
bl. | back loop |
bo | bind off |
ch | chain |
circs | circular needles |
cn | cable needle, cable stitch holder |
co | cast-on |
dec, decs | decrease, decreases |
EON | end of needle |
EOR | end of row |
FC | front cross |
FL | front loop |
foll | following, follow |
g st | garter stitch |
grp, grps | group, groups |
incs | increase, increasing |
kfb, k1f&b | increase by working into front and back of st (“knit front and back”) |
k | knit |
k1, k2, k3… | knit one, knit two, knit three |
k2tog | knit two together |
k2tog tbl | knit two together trough back loop |
K-wise, kwise | knitwise, as though to knit |
L | left |
LC | left cross |
lp, lps | loop, loops |
lt, ltw | left twist, cable twist to the left |
m1, m2 | make 1, make 2… |
mc | main colour |
meas | measurements, measures |
pm | place marker (stitch marker) |
prev | previous |
p | purl |
p tbl | purl trough the back loop |
p-wise, pwise | purlwise, as though to purl |
r | right |
rc | right cross |
rem | remaining |
rep | repeat |
rs | right side |
rt, rtw | right twist |
sk | skip |
sk2p | slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slip stitch over the knitted 2 together |
skp, skpo | slip, knit, pass over |
sl | slip |
sl1k | slip 1 knitwise |
sl1p | slip 1 purlwise |
sm | slip marker |
sl st, ss | slip stitch |
ssk | slip, slip, knit |
st, sts | stitch, stitches |
st st | stockinette stitch |
tbl | knit trough back loop |
tog | together |
ufo | unfinished object |
we | work even |
wyib | with yarn in back |
wyif | with yarn in front |
ws | wrong side |
w&t | wrap and turn |
yfrn | yarn forward and round needle |
yo | yarn over |
yon | yarn over needle |
yrn | yarn round needle |
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