CategoryJournaling Tips & Prompts

How to practise self-witnessing

woman wearing gray long sleeved shirt and black black bottoms outfit sitting on gray wooden picnic table facing towards calm body of water at daytime

Self-witnessing is a powerful practice that allows us to delve deep into the intricacies of our inner world. By consciously observing our thoughts, emotions, and actions, we gain valuable insight into our own psyche. This introspective process aids us in uncovering the underlying motivations behind our behaviours, unravelling the complex web of perceptions that shape our reality. Through self-witnessing, we cultivate a heightened sense of self-awareness, becoming attuned to the subtle patterns and dynamics that govern our thoughts and emotions. […]

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20 journaling prompts for the dark feminine in you

The “dark feminine” is a fascinating concept that has captivated the realms of psychology, mythology, and spirituality. It delves into the depths of the female psyche, exploring attributes and qualities that are traditionally deemed darker, more enigmatic, or even negative in nature. This concept serves as a contrasting counterpart to the more commonly celebrated aspects of the feminine archetype, such as nurturing, gentleness, and compassion. When we explore the realm of the dark feminine, we enter into a multifaceted realm […]

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What are the most common intrusive thoughts for autistic adults?

Intrusive thoughts can vary widely from person to person, and they are not necessarily tied to being autistic. However, autistic adults or those who are highly sensitive to the emotions and energies of others, may experience intrusive thoughts related to their empathetic nature. Common intrusive thoughts for autistic adults might include: Excessive worry about others. Autistic adults can worry deeply about the well-being and feelings of those around them. This can lead to intrusive thoughts related to concerns about the […]

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14 journaling prompts so that you can cultivate emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is a crucial facet of understanding both ourselves and others. It’s the bridge to effective communication, empathy, and self-regulation. One of the avenues to develop emotional intelligence is through the practice of journaling, a reflective activity that nudges us to dive deep into our emotional realm. Journaling cultivates emotional intelligence by helping you identify emotions, enhancing your self-awareness. Over time, this reflecting on emotional responses helps you to manage them more effectively. And when you understand your own […]

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10 questions of self-awareness so that you can cultivate more self-acceptance

Journaling is an incredibly powerful tool for quickly and actively changing your mindset. Journaling is a powerful tool for cultivating self-acceptance. By providing a private, non-judgmental space for self-reflection, a journal allows you to confront your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours openly. This process offers valuable insights into your inner workings, highlighting both your strengths and areas for improvement. One of the first steps in self-acceptance is self-awareness. Through journaling, you can gain a clearer understanding of your thoughts and emotions, as […]

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Can intrusive thoughts be cured?

Intrusive thoughts are unwanted, distressing, and often repetitive thoughts or images that can be distressing and interfere with daily life. While they can’t always be completely cured, there are various strategies and treatments that can help you manage and reduce the impact of intrusive thoughts. Here are some approaches to consider: It’s important to remember that everyone’s experience with intrusive thoughts is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Seeking professional help can be especially […]

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What are good journal prompts for intrusive thoughts?

Journaling is an effective tool for managing intrusive thoughts, providing a safe space to explore and understand these persistent, unwanted mental intrusions. Intrusive thoughts are unwanted, distressing, or repetitive thoughts that pop into your mind, often causing significant anxiety, fear, or discomfort. These thoughts can be persistent, unwanted, and difficult to control, leading to significant distress and preoccupation. They may involve disturbing, violent, or socially unacceptable content and can vary widely in their nature and intensity. Intrusive thoughts are not […]

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What can I write in a journal to improve my mental health?

Journaling is great for mental health in so many ways. Writing about your emotions is a healthy outlet for processing and releasing pent-up feelings, reducing emotional burden and promoting a sense of relief. It helps you identify sources of stress and explore coping strategies. By expressing your worries and concerns on paper, you may find it easier to let go of stress and anxiety. Regular journaling promotes self-reflection, allowing you to gain a better understanding of your thoughts, feelings, and […]

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Discover the benefits of journaling and unlock your creativity with the free journaling prompt generator

Journaling is a powerful tool that can help individuals manage stress, increase self-awareness, and promote personal growth. The act of writing down your thoughts, emotions, and experiences can provide a sense of clarity and perspective, allowing you to better understand yourself and your life. One of the most significant benefits of journaling is its ability to reduce stress. Writing about your feelings and experiences can help you process and make sense of them, which can in turn help you feel […]

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How journaling can change the life of an empath: an easy-to-use tool for empowerment and emotional well-being

Empaths are individuals who have an innate ability to sense and feel the emotions and energy of others. While this can be a wonderful gift, it can also be challenging to navigate in a world that can be overwhelming and emotionally charged. Journaling can be a powerful tool for empaths to help them process their emotions, set boundaries, and develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others. In this blog post, we will explore the ways in which journaling can […]

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Reconnecting with myself: how journaling helped me find my authentic life

I used to wake up every morning feeling like I was living someone else’s life. It was like I was on autopilot, going through the motions without any real sense of purpose or direction. I felt disconnected from myself, like I was a stranger in my own body. I didn’t know how to make sense of these feelings. I was just going through the motions, doing what was expected of me without any real passion or drive. It wasn’t until […]

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Unlock the power of journaling for your mental health: discover the benefits of daily reflection

You wake up in the morning, feeling a sense of dread wash over you. You’ve been feeling anxious and stressed lately, and it’s starting to take a toll on your mental health. But then you remember something that has been helping you feel better – journaling. You sit down at your desk with a pen and a notebook, and begin to write. You start by jotting down your thoughts and worries, just as they come to you. At first, it […]

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4 simple steps to making a New Year’s resolution that sticks

More than half of all New Year’s resolutions fail. But you already knew that, didn’t you? Because you’ve done it, excitedly proclaimed that Everything Is Going To Be Different Next Year after you’ve spent some time pondering where you are in life as the year comes to a close only to find that you didn’t even stick to your resolution till the end of January. A third of resolutioners don’t make it to the end of January, so you’re not […]

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A quick-start guide to journaling: 10 essential tips for beginners

Journaling has been nothing if not life-changing for me. Every time I get stuck – with work, in life, in relationships, in processing emotions – journaling is there to help me sort it all out. Being able to have that profound impact on your mindset is crucial when you want to heal and move forward in life. However, back when I started, I had NO CLUE what I was doing. All I knew about journaling was that Dear diary cliché. […]

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What are the benefits of a gratitude journaling practice? 15 gratitude journaling prompts to get you started

how and why to start a gratitude journal

Gratitude is real magic. In your mind. Even when all you can see is how horrible things are, gratitude can turn things around. It won’t fix everything that’s wrong with the world, but it’ll take your focus away from the bad and point you towards what’s still good. The days when you think it can’t get worse, gratitude will help you heal. Not instantly, but slowly over time writing about your gratitude will have a profound effect on your life. […]

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Having a regular journaling practice will change your life when you’re highly sensitive and get easily overwhelmed. Here are 8 reasons you should start today!

having a journaling practice will change your life + how to start

You know what you want in life. Or at least know what you need to do in life. Yet, you can’t seem to get to a place in your life where you’re genuinely content with it. There are always more things on that list that you’d like to have. And so you promise yourself that you’re going to write that book, you’re gonna learn Italian because you’re gonna go to Italy and talk to the natives, you’re gonna get out […]

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