CategoryShadow Work

20 journaling prompts for the dark feminine in you

The “dark feminine” is a fascinating concept that has captivated the realms of psychology, mythology, and spirituality. It delves into the depths of the female psyche, exploring attributes and qualities that are traditionally deemed darker, more enigmatic, or even negative in nature. This concept serves as a contrasting counterpart to the more commonly celebrated aspects of the feminine archetype, such as nurturing, gentleness, and compassion. When we explore the realm of the dark feminine, we enter into a multifaceted realm […]

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10 prompts to help you find your shadow self

Self-reflection is a crucial first step. Set aside dedicated time for introspection and think deeply about your past experiences, emotional triggers, and recurring patterns in your life. Explore any aspects of your personality that you might be repressing or denying. Maintaining a journal can be incredibly helpful. Write about your fears, insecurities, and unresolved conflicts. Allow yourself to express your innermost thoughts without judgment or self-censorship. Engaging in mindfulness activities such as meditation or deep breathing exercises can significantly aid […]

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What are the most common intrusive thoughts for autistic adults?

Intrusive thoughts can vary widely from person to person, and they are not necessarily tied to being autistic. However, autistic adults or those who are highly sensitive to the emotions and energies of others, may experience intrusive thoughts related to their empathetic nature. Common intrusive thoughts for autistic adults might include: Excessive worry about others. Autistic adults can worry deeply about the well-being and feelings of those around them. This can lead to intrusive thoughts related to concerns about the […]

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Can intrusive thoughts be cured?

Intrusive thoughts are unwanted, distressing, and often repetitive thoughts or images that can be distressing and interfere with daily life. While they can’t always be completely cured, there are various strategies and treatments that can help you manage and reduce the impact of intrusive thoughts. Here are some approaches to consider: It’s important to remember that everyone’s experience with intrusive thoughts is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Seeking professional help can be especially […]

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Do we all have a shadow self? 9 prompts to begin exploring your shadow self

The human psyche is a complex tapestry of conscious and unconscious elements that shape our thoughts, behaviours, and perceptions of the world. At the heart of this intricate framework lies the concept of the “shadow self,” a term popularised by the renowned Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. The shadow self represents the hidden, often repressed aspects of our personality that we tend to disown or deny. But do we all possess this shadow self, and what implications does it hold for […]

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10 shadow work prompts for understanding unconscious patterns

Rooted in the psychological framework of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, shadow work delves into the exploration and integration of the unconscious aspects of one’s personality. Often, these unconscious patterns can dictate your behaviour, influencing your actions without your conscious awareness. Understanding these deeply ingrained tendencies is key to fostering a more holistic and authentic sense of self. Unravelling your shadows Unconscious patterns, as identified by Jung, encompass the aspects of your personality that you tend to repress or deny, often […]

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15 shadow work prompts for facing your deepest fears

In the journey of self-discovery and personal growth, one of the most powerful and transformative processes we can engage in is shadow work. Shadow work involves delving into the hidden aspects of our psyche, confronting our fears, and embracing our darkest thoughts and emotions. It is not an easy path, but it is a profoundly rewarding one. Today I wanted to look at shadow work and discuss how facing your fears head-on can lead to profound personal growth and healing. […]

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Effective shadow work techniques for self-awareness (with prompts)

Shadow work is a practice rooted in psychology and spirituality, aimed at uncovering the hidden aspects of your personality, embracing your inner demons, and ultimately achieving greater self-awareness. It was popularised by renowned psychologist Carl Jung and refers to the process of delving into the unexplored and often unconscious aspects of your psyche. These are the parts of yourself that you suppress, deny, or reject because they’re considered undesirable, painful, or socially unacceptable. These suppressed emotions, fears, and desires become […]

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3 practical techniques to start your shadow work: uncover and heal emotional wounds

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing? Shadow work, a powerful tool for personal growth, holds the key to uncovering and healing those deep-seated emotional wounds that may be holding you back. Shadow work invites you to delve into the uncharted territories of your mind and emotions, offering a unique opportunity to uncover the hidden aspects of your psyche.  Confronting your inner demons requires courage and self-compassion as you face aspects of yourself you […]

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The journey of shadow work: these are the 4 questions people ask me the most

Shadow work is an introspective and deeply personal journey that many of us embark upon, often without even realising it. It’s an exploration of the darker aspects of our psyche, the parts of ourselves we’d rather keep hidden from the world and even from our own consciousness. “What does it mean to do shadow work?” To do shadow work is to confront the aspects of ourselves that we typically suppress, deny, or reject. These aspects are often rooted in our […]

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25 journal prompts to help you start your shadow work journey

So, why is it beneficial to work on shadow elements of yourself? It all comes down to self-knowledge and self-awareness. Being aware of your shadow self means you make better choices in life and identify the issues that you want to change or work on. What is shadow work? Shadow work is the process of exploring the unconscious parts of your mind with the goal of bringing them into conscious awareness so that you can accept and integrate them with […]

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