Tagfeng shui

7+ ideas for inviting prosperity into your home and your life with good feng shui

How to use feng shui to invite prosperit into your life

Feng shui is a traditional practice from ancient China and is one of the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics. The practice of feng shui discusses architecture in terms of “invisible forces” that bind the universe, earth, and humanity together – known as qi. Developed more than 3,000 years ago, feng shui was designed to help balance the energies within a space and within the home to help promote harmony, good health and wealth. Prosperity is one of the major elements […]

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A quick guide to the BTB Bagua (feng shui energy map) for empaths

The energy map used in feng shui to optimise the energies and harmony in your house is called a Bagua. It offers a systematic way to evaluate and plan the energy flow of your environment. The name is Chinese – “Ba” translates to eight, “gua” means area – so “bagua” literally translates into “eight areas”. The Bagua consists of eight symbols used in Taoist cosmology to represent the fundamental principles of reality – seen as a range of eight interrelated […]

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