
What are the benefits of a gratitude journaling practice? 15 gratitude journaling prompts to get you started

how and why to start a gratitude journal

Gratitude is real magic. In your mind. Even when all you can see is how horrible things are, gratitude can turn things around. It won’t fix everything that’s wrong with the world, but it’ll take your focus away from the bad and point you towards what’s still good. The days when you think it can’t get worse, gratitude will help you heal. Not instantly, but slowly over time writing about your gratitude will have a profound effect on your life. […]

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My free gratitude journaling course is finished! It’s the place to be if you want to gain the happiness advantage

Learn gratitude journaling with this free course that has gratitude prompts for 21 days

Wowee, these past few weeks have had me up and down, and spun all around. I finally finished Thankful, my free gratitude journaling course, and I couldn’t be happier. Yes, free. I know spending hours agonising over what to write about and building a whole course on gratitude to give away for nothing seems contradictory when you’re trying to get your busienss off the ground. Trust me, I’ve had my doubts about this too. All the bro marketers and boss […]

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