
14 journaling prompts I swear by for dealing with emotional overload

14 journaling prompts to deal with feeling emotional overload

As an empath, you’ll be familiar with feeling overwhelmed. Journaling is a powerful tool that you can use to help navigate strong feelings and emotional overload. When you get into a habit of writing about your struggles and your successes, you’ll begin to see enhanced self-awareness as you learn more about yourself and identify your specific triggers. Becoming aware of your triggers is an important skill for an empath because it’ll let you recognise them in daily life and allow […]

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Never feel overwhelmed or overstimulated again with these 4 simple tips

woman sitting on floor near window at daytime

When you want to make people happy, you have a hard time saying no. But learning when to say no is one of those life lessons you just gotta learn if you ever want to learn how to live with your sensitivity. Saying no doesn’t mean refusing to socialise. It’s more about learning what you can deal with and when you have the capacity to do so. And learning to take care of yourself when you do know that there’s […]

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