Tagjournaling prompts

What are the benefits of a gratitude journaling practice? 15 gratitude journaling prompts to get you started

how and why to start a gratitude journal

Gratitude is real magic. In your mind. Even when all you can see is how horrible things are, gratitude can turn things around. It won’t fix everything that’s wrong with the world, but it’ll take your focus away from the bad and point you towards what’s still good. The days when you think it can’t get worse, gratitude will help you heal. Not instantly, but slowly over time writing about your gratitude will have a profound effect on your life. […]

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18 imaginative journaling prompts for when you’re feeling stuck and don’t know what to write

18 imaginative journaling prompts to help you when you don't know what to write

I adore Natalie Goldberg’s book Writing Down the Bones. She’s best known for exploring writing as zen practice and inspires you to take the leap and write creatively. Though her advice is mainly focused on different aspects of the writer’s craft, she has a lot of great advice that can be applied to journaling as well. Journaling is a practice that helps you comprehend the value of your life and a wonderful tool for profound self-knowledge through deep internal exploration. […]

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A gentle journaling exercise to help you find your way to forgiveness when you’re highly sensitive

How and why to forgive, how to journal for forgiveness

Whether by the words or actions of someone else, we’ve all been hurt at some point. And probably (let’s face it: most likely) will be again. Maybe you have a parent who’s overly critical of every πŸ‘ little πŸ‘ thing πŸ‘ you do, a partner who broke your trust or a vindictive coworker who sabotaged the project you were in charge of. Or it could be worse; physical, sexual or emotional abuse, grief or trauma. I get it, there’s a […]

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14 journaling prompts I swear by for dealing with emotional overload

14 journaling prompts to deal with feeling emotional overload

As an empath, you’ll be familiar with feeling overwhelmed. Journaling is a powerful tool that you can use to help navigate strong feelings and emotional overload. When you get into a habit of writing about your struggles and your successes, you’ll begin to see enhanced self-awareness as you learn more about yourself and identify your specific triggers. Becoming aware of your triggers is an important skill for an empath because it’ll let you recognise them in daily life and allow […]

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5 journaling prompts to transform your money mindset and invite more money into your life

5 prompts to help you live a more abundant life

I make no secret of the fact that I love journaling. Journaling has some seriously powerful benefits. Especially, when you want to change something in your life. Getting clear and specific on what you really want, makes it so much easier to achieve the things you want in life (because you’ll know exactly what you want and what steps you need to get there). When you’re working on creating more abundance in your life, a technique called scripting is an […]

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Why should you journal? Check out the life-changing benefits of journaling that you can use to achieve your goals

the lifechanging power of journaling

Do you have a regular journaling practice? I journal a lot. It’s essentially because of my journaling practice that I’ve managed to achieve any goals in my life. Almost everything started out as either with free-writing in frustration or an “I don’t know how…” journaling exercise. There really isn’t a more powerful way to start attracting and inviting in the things you want in life than getting clear on what you want exactly and why you want it. Writing these […]

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Here’s how to heal your money energy and start bringing more abundance into your life

Why empaths struggle to make a lot of money

The funny thing about money is that the more you worry about it, the less you have. And the less you care about it, the more you have. But you have to keep in mind that money is just a tool – not inherently good or bad. And it’ll take you where you want to go but it can never replace you as the driver. Take it from someone who’s been both poor as well as deeply in debt; money […]

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