
5 journaling prompts to transform your money mindset and invite more money into your life

5 prompts to help you live a more abundant life

I make no secret of the fact that I love journaling. Journaling has some seriously powerful benefits. Especially, when you want to change something in your life. Getting clear and specific on what you really want, makes it so much easier to achieve the things you want in life (because you’ll know exactly what you want and what steps you need to get there). When you’re working on creating more abundance in your life, a technique called scripting is an […]

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Here’s how to heal your money energy and start bringing more abundance into your life

Why empaths struggle to make a lot of money

The funny thing about money is that the more you worry about it, the less you have. And the less you care about it, the more you have. But you have to keep in mind that money is just a tool – not inherently good or bad. And it’ll take you where you want to go but it can never replace you as the driver. Take it from someone who’s been both poor as well as deeply in debt; money […]

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