
What is a money script and how does it affect your finances as a woman?

Your daily life runs on habits. Do you jump right out of bed, or hit snooze a few times? Brush your teeth before or after breakfast? A lot of the little things you do in a day are things you’re not generally aware of. Not until someone points it out to you. It’s these preferences and learned behaviours that move you through the world. And they have a great impact on your life. Researchers found that this same is true […]

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How to make money as an empath: 3 beliefs you need to cultivate if you want to find a job you’ll love

barista holding coffee filter for how to make money as an empath

I’ve heard all kind of advice on the kind of jobs empaths should or shouldn’t do. But you can’t really bunch every empath together and say, “You should do this job, that other one is bad for you” – becasue we’re still all individuals. And while we all share similar experiences of life, I think it’s just plain bad advice to tell someone what kind of job they should have. In fact, that’s how it all just gets even more […]

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Why women need their own money: become a one-woman revolution by being financially independent

woman walking down the street

Not that long ago, women were considered “not credit-worthy”. And in many countries this is still true today, even if it’s more convention than anything else. On a household level, women have been dissuaded from handling money matters and the awareness about investment decisions has been minimal. Women have a long history of being relegated to dealing with the household and running it on an allotted budget while the menfolk go out to earn an income and participate in the […]

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Understand & improve your money mindset: why it’s important that women start talking about our deeply held beliefs around money

Don’t buy crap you don’t need. Spend less than you make. Pay your bills on time. Save for a rainy day and retirement. The mechanics of personal finance are pretty straight forward. But if you’ve ever set any kind of money goals for yourself, you know that doing that stuff in practice is more complicated. Because the stories you tell yourself limit your ability to take charge or your financial life. You spend a lot of time stressing about stuff […]

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Why empaths usually don’t make a lot of money + 5 money mindset shifts you can make to change that

Why your brain is the best tool to use when you want to make more money

For a type of person that’s typically REALLY into self-development and getting organised about life, it’s kind of ironic that most empaths aren’t wealthy. We love writing down goals and journaling about where we want to go in life (we’ve done this so many damned times). We use sticky notes, program reminders and support systems to help us with goals. We buy books, hire coaches, and surround ourselves with like-minded people. Yet we still struggle. At work. In business. With […]

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