
Discovering your dream life: how to figure out what you really want

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live your happiest life? To wake up every day and be truly content with your surroundings, relationships, and daily activities? While it may seem like an elusive dream, there is a simple yet powerful technique to start uncovering your ideal life. Whether it’s finding your dream job, pursuing a passion, or experiencing a new adventure, this approach can help you move closer to a life that brings you joy and […]

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Maximize your savings potential: unlock the power of using a savings tracker for financial peace of mind

Saving money is one of the most important financial habits that can help you achieve your financial goals. However, saving money can be challenging, especially if you don’t have a plan or a system in place. One of the most effective ways to save money is to use a savings tracker. A savings tracker is a tool that helps you keep track of your savings goals, progress, and achievements. In this blog post,I want to explore the benefits of using […]

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Discover the benefits of journaling and unlock your creativity with the free journaling prompt generator

Journaling is a powerful tool that can help individuals manage stress, increase self-awareness, and promote personal growth. The act of writing down your thoughts, emotions, and experiences can provide a sense of clarity and perspective, allowing you to better understand yourself and your life. One of the most significant benefits of journaling is its ability to reduce stress. Writing about your feelings and experiences can help you process and make sense of them, which can in turn help you feel […]

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How journaling can change the life of an empath: an easy-to-use tool for empowerment and emotional well-being

Empaths are individuals who have an innate ability to sense and feel the emotions and energy of others. While this can be a wonderful gift, it can also be challenging to navigate in a world that can be overwhelming and emotionally charged. Journaling can be a powerful tool for empaths to help them process their emotions, set boundaries, and develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others. In this blog post, we will explore the ways in which journaling can […]

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60+ Inspiring quotes about finding the light in the dark that will illuminate your soul

In the tapestry of life, darkness and light are the contrasting threads that weave the intricate patterns of our existence. In the world of words, writers and thinkers have eloquently captured the essence of this eternal struggle, offering us a treasury of wisdom to draw from. These words of wisdom will not only illuminate your path but inspire you to radiate your own inner light into the world. As you read on, may these quotes help you to always seek […]

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Reconnecting with myself: how journaling helped me find my authentic life

I used to wake up every morning feeling like I was living someone else’s life. It was like I was on autopilot, going through the motions without any real sense of purpose or direction. I felt disconnected from myself, like I was a stranger in my own body. I didn’t know how to make sense of these feelings. I was just going through the motions, doing what was expected of me without any real passion or drive. It wasn’t until […]

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The lingering wounds of adult bullying: how emotional scars run deep

Bullying is often thought of as a behaviour that only occurs in childhood or adolescence. But adult bullies are also a reality that many people face. Adult bullying takes many forms and can have a significant impact on the victim’s emotional and mental well-being. What is adult bullying? Adult bullying includes verbal, physical, and emotional abuse. It can occur in the workplace, social settings, and even within families. Some examples of adult bullying include: Adult bullying is often fuelled by […]

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Unlock the power of journaling for your mental health: discover the benefits of daily reflection

You wake up in the morning, feeling a sense of dread wash over you. You’ve been feeling anxious and stressed lately, and it’s starting to take a toll on your mental health. But then you remember something that has been helping you feel better – journaling. You sit down at your desk with a pen and a notebook, and begin to write. You start by jotting down your thoughts and worries, just as they come to you. At first, it […]

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4 simple steps to making a New Year’s resolution that sticks

More than half of all New Year’s resolutions fail. But you already knew that, didn’t you? Because you’ve done it, excitedly proclaimed that Everything Is Going To Be Different Next Year after you’ve spent some time pondering where you are in life as the year comes to a close only to find that you didn’t even stick to your resolution till the end of January. A third of resolutioners don’t make it to the end of January, so you’re not […]

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What is a money script and how does it affect your finances as a woman?

Your daily life runs on habits. Do you jump right out of bed, or hit snooze a few times? Brush your teeth before or after breakfast? A lot of the little things you do in a day are things you’re not generally aware of. Not until someone points it out to you. It’s these preferences and learned behaviours that move you through the world. And they have a great impact on your life. Researchers found that this same is true […]

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Little Birds — a collection to express joy and vivacity through abstraction

Kingfisher Fine Art Print

Get ready to be showered in compliments. Compliments on your excellent taste. Your eye for unique art. And your wonderful interior design skills. Not only will these little birds liven up your space, but they’ll also instantly transform you from a regular person into an Art Collector. How do I know? To paint these, I blasted classical music and let the energy of the music guide me. These little birds embody the classics from Mozart and Beethoven to Vivaldi and […]

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7 great reasons to use a notebook for better mental health

bird notebook on a bench

If you have thoughts, you’re a thinker. Every human being engages their mind all day, every day. And the mind can be exercised and optimised, just like the body, with a few simple tools. Your smartphone can do almost anything, especially with the right apps. But it’s useful to sometimes ditch your phone in favour of a trusty notebook because there are things a notebook can do for your brain that a smart device cannot. 1. Disconnecting is good for […]

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Conversational narcissism: what is it and how to avoid it?

We are starved for attention. And not in the least because a lot of the social supports people used to rely on have disappeared. We live a performative and public existence where we’re constantly seeking and vying for other people’s attention. Our brains are being retrained as our natural behaviours are being used to exploit what is one of the most valuable commodities today: our attention. In a time when we’ve substituted in-person interaction with instant messaging, like my brother- […]

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What I love about colouring & are there any benefits in colouring for adults?

Did you know what your brain experiences relief when it enters a meditative state – such as when colouring? This allows for the stress and anxiety to fade into the background. You’re also expelling negative thoughts by taking action which gives you a hit of dopamine! It has everything to do with refocusing your attention. And colouring requires a modest amount of attention being focused outside of your self-awareness. It’s a simple activity that takes you outside of yourself in […]

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Not Your Average Flowers – a collection of positive sentiment paired with watercolour florals

Positivity affirmation quotes

These are flowers for people who mean business when it comes to good cheer. You woke up this morning determined to put on your dancing shoes. You got a demon to kill. Today is your day – you’re gonna rise, shine and kick some ass! You’re gonna let go of the negativity and the bullshit. You’re gonna put down that burden that’s weighing you down and pay tribute to your unique strengths. You’re gonna give the finger to those ass-hats […]

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Luminance – a collection of animal drawings in white pencil

This collection is not for the faint of heart; it is for the bold. For those who know what they want and aren’t afraid to take risks to get it, the brave souls who aren’t afraid to go on a perilous quest to find their true heart’s desire. The ones who are comfortable with being uncomfortable, who can deal with staring down a bison before breakfast. Those fearless adventurers who do it with passion, or not at all. Who like […]

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