6 tips to help you bring more money into your life

How to shift your mind into abundance mode

Wondering why every time you get money it seems to leave as quickly as it came?

Struggling to hit your next income goal so that the number in your bank account would last a little longer?

Yeah, I’ve been there.

And I know how frustrating it is to try and grow that number in your bank account but all you end up with is empty pockets at the end of every month.

But what can you do to change that?

There’s something standing between you and the money of your dreams. It’s called a money block.

And you need to find it and clear it out of the way, so that you can have the kind of money you’ve always dreamed about.

Once you learn how to clear your money blocks, you can start hitting your financial goals with ease and live your life from a place of abundance every day.

1. Get specific about how much money you really want

Before you can do anything else, you have to get your ducks in a row.

And put an actual number on it.

How much money do you want and what do you want it for?

Think about it like placing an order at a restaurant. If you aren’t really specific about what you want, they’ll just bring you something, anything.

Are you gonna be happy with what you paid for?

Or do you wish you’d taken more care with placing your order?

So, just like you don’t go to a restaurant and order “more food”, you don’t order “more money” from the universe.

Because that bitch might decided that you finding a penny on the street satisfies your request.

Your focus will become infinitely more powerful when you get really specific – both about how much money you want and what you want it for.

You gotta give it somewhere to go. Even if it’s just “sit in my savings account”.

So, grab your journaling implements and finish this sentence, “I want ________ [fill in how much money you want]”.

Then start writing down a list of things you’re going to spend it on and how much each item on your list needs.

Now, you’ve given your money a clear purpose for coming into your life.

2. Write yourself a cheque in the amount you’d like to have

Bare with me, I know this is a little silly, but it works!

It doesn’t have to be real or even look real. You can create a mockup of a cheque yourself or download and print this blank template I made and fill it out with your details like this:

Write the amount of money you’d like to receive on your cheque to yourself. In the ‘memo’ section you can write what you want it for – I put in monthly income because that’s what I’d like to have.

But you can put ‘for a new apartment’ or ‘to travel around the world for 6 months’, whatever suits your goal.

You can date the cheque with today’s date. Some people prefer to date it with the day they want to have the money in-hand. I prefer to use today’s date because it encourages you to start embodying that energy of already having it.

Place the cheque somewhere you can see it every day and let it be a reminder of the goal you’re working towards.

3. Budget your current income

It’s important to still be realistic even when chasing your dreams. So, if you haven’t already, take a gander at your current budget.

Go through your income and your expenses. Make an Excel sheet and put in everything.

If you don’t have an accurate picture of how you’re spending your money, start saving receipts and go through your bank account.

Doing this is important because it lets you see how you’re currently spending money – which in turn gives you access to see where you can make positive changes.

The depressing part is seeing how deep in debt you are (not to mention calculating the interest on debts).

But it’s a necessary pain for this process to work.

And the best part is discovering that you have even the tiniest leeway in changing your spending habits for the better.

Your number one goal should always to pay off any debts you have.

Debts are like a poorly fitted backdoor letting the wind into your house to carry off your hard earned money.

Budget around an aggressive plan to get rid of the debt because the longer you have it, the more it costs you. Make sure to read all the fine print in your debt agreements before formulating your plan.

And one last important note: save before you spend.

When you’re budgeting your income, always, always make sure you’re saving money before you’re spending it.

Once you know how much money you have to spend on necessary things every month (food, housing, utilities, debt repayment etc.) budget for savings.

And don’t worry if they’re small at fist.

But make sure that before you spend anything beyond the necessary, you move your savings aside.

Ideally into a savings account that is completely separate. I have my savings account in another bank, which means the only time I see what’s in it, is when I go check it (which usually only means when I really, really need it).

You can also use visual aids like savings trackers to help you reach your savings goals. Just place the tracker somewhere you can see it so that it reminds you of how you’re doing and motivates you to keep going.

4. Use positive affirmations to shift your mindset

Positive affirmations are a really powerful tool when you want to change a habit.

When you begin every day by reciting your affirmations around money, it will start shifting the way you think about money, and how you feel about your financial situation overall.

You can write them down and set them somewhere you see them every day or set reminders in your phone/calendar to recite your affirmations.

Once you’ve done them, you’ll feel so much better!

5. Start putting money-related goals into your calendar

There’s nothing like a deadline to get a dream to put its workboots on.

By putting a time limit on your financial goals will make achieving them more real. You’ll also know that, since it’s in the calendar, it’s inevitable that said deadline is coming.

And this helps to put pressure on you to keep your mind focused.

To start off, put down smaller goals if it feels impossible. Once you manage to get the smaller goals, you’ll notice a growing appetite to take on bigger challenges.

You can also put expensive things in the calendar. Things that require you to put some money aside for them.

Like, I have vet appointments for cat dental checks in the calendar because they always cost more than the regular vet checks and it helps me keep it front and centre in my mind that I need to set aside money for those things (and having a healthy savings account for your pet is one of the best decisions you’ll ever make).

6. Let go of how your money will come to you

And this is a biggie. Once you’ve set your goal for how much money you want, and detailed what you want to spend it on, it’s time to just let it go.

The reason a lot of people fail to make a shift in their abundance mindset is because they can’t let go of how the money’s gonna show up.

But does it really matter?

It could be a raise, starting a side business that does well, finding an antique plate in your house when you renovate and it sells for a fortune, a generous relative who won the lottery and wants to share, a wad of cash just falls out of the sky (stranger things have happened)…

Set your specific goals and give the money a purpose, and then let it go and trust that the work you’re putting in is worth it and will bring you more prosperity. Then your job is simply to be open to whatever opportunities come your way.

Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.

– Dwight D. Eisenhower

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